Light Garden Festival | Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions

The following definitions apply in the terms: 

‘Guest’ means any person in possession of a valid entry ticket to the event.

‘Event’ means Light Garden Festival located at Norton Grounds farm, Aston Sub Edge, Gloucestershire, GL55 6PY.

‘Company’ means Light Garden Festival Limited.

‘Prohibited items’ means the items listed in the terms and conditions and any other prohibited items listed on the website.

‘Ticket’ means a ticket granting a guest to access to the event.

‘Unavailable’ means the event being unavailable to Guest due to:

The event being, in the reasonable opinion of Light Garden Festival or any authorities unsafe or the event being closed by the company due to severe bad weather , government restrictions or any other reason beyond the companies responsible control.

2. Cancellations

All tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

If the event is unavailable / cancelled  / re scheduled  to Guests, the company will notify Guests of the unavailability and is such notification guests can :

Attain their tickets for the reschedule date and will remain valid for that date only


A refund for the tickets cancelled (less any acceptable booking or administration fees).

All competition  winners tickets will be transferred to the reschedule date (no money alternative). 

If the guest does not notify the company of acceptance of the offer of a refund within 14 days of the offer being made by the company, the company  may withdraw their offer of a refund.

3. Health and safety restrictions

The company reserves the right to make any amendments to these terms and conditions from time to time and/Auto impose such restrictions or conditions on Guest as a condition of admittance to the event as a company consider as appropriate, taken into account current circumstances at the time of the event or in response to any guidance of requirements issued by the government, public health England or any other government body.
You must check the website before the event for the latest version of terms and conditions applicable at the time of your stay and guidance of any health and safety measures that may affect you during your stay. The company will notify you of any changes that mutually affect your rights as a consumer.

Admittance to the event is subject to adherence to the rules and regulations including compliance with all restrictions.

It’s the Guest responsibility that they are able to comply with such rules and regulations. Any breach of the rules and regulations may result in the company Refusing admission to the event or requiring non-compliant Guest to leave the event without refund or compensation.

Any safety measures induced by the company will be aimed at reducing the health risk of Guest but it’s not possible to completely eradicate those risks. It is each guest decision to attend the event acknowledging that they do so at their own risk.

Guests are responsible for their own health and safety and must not say they rely on the measures put in place by the company.

4. Ticketing

Each guest must purchase a valid ticket to enter the event.

The age on the ticket reflects the age of the Guest at the time of entry at the festival if that differs to the time of purchase.

Proof of age may be required from anyone attend the event and  may be required to provide photographic evidence on request. Failure to provide a valid ID request may result in the Guest being refused admission or paying to upgrade the ticket to the correct age bracket as deemed by representative to the company.

Any accessible toilets and showers are blue badge holders only.

Each guest presenting a valid ticket will be given a wristband on arrival at the event.

The wristband must be kept intact for the duration of the guest day and is non transferable. If a wristband is lost or attaches from the guest to whom it was issued, entry to the event will be refused.

Tickets are for personal use only.

All under 16s must be accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket.

5. Terms

There are limited number of tickets available and purchase of a ticket is strictly subject to availability.

Ticket prices for all types of tickets are as advertised on the website and may be different depending on the date being booked.

Tickets are pre-booked only and will not be available on the event gate.

Tickets are not transferable to other dates or times and strictly not to be offered for resell. Tickets must only be used for personal or private use.

If a ticket is re sold or transferred for profit or commercial benefit or gain or part of an hospitality package or similar arrangements without prior written consent from the company, it will become void and the holder may be refused entry or be ejected from the event.

Tickets Bought from an authorised agents are not valid and admission will not be granted to the event where it is suspected that a ticket has been purchased from an unauthorised agent do not buy from Internet auction sites or  buy tickets on social network sites.

Duplicate tickets will not be issued if the ticket is lost , stolen, defaced, photocopied or illegible.

Right of admission reserved applies to all ticket types. The companies decision on admission to the event is final, regardless of ticket type.

The company will not be liable for any loss tickets passes or wristbands and replacements must be purchased at the full face value subject to availability.

Each ticket and wristband remains the property of the company at all times and if a ticket or wristband is used in breach of terms it is void and the holder may be refused entry to or rejected from the event.

Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied, and supervised at all times by full pay adult.

A challenge 25 policy will be in place on entry and for alcohol sales at the event.

6. Camping pitches

All Guests must pitch as directed, not encroach on any other pitches and consider fire risk limitation, safety and access.

If the pitch site is  judged  a risk to safety and comfort of others, the Guest will be asked to move.

Gazebos are permitted on any pitch, subject to space being available and the event of bad weather the guest may be asked to dismantle the gazebo irrespectively of a size or quality.

Any Guest/group erecting a gazebo do so at their own risk and any damage caused by them is the responsibility of that guest/group. 

A pitch may only be occupied for recreational purposes and may not be used for any commercial purpose.

No  unauthorised Trading is permitted within the event or event campsite or any public carpark and there must be no trading/flyering /placing of posters / stickers without prior written consent from the company.

The company reserves the right to judge acceptable levels of noise or behaviour and Guest must ensure compliance with the direction of the companies employees or management .
The company reserves the right to exclude or reject any person from the event or event campsite if it considers the behaviour of such person to be objectionable, a risk to health and safety or likely to cause any damage or bring the event into disrepute.In this case, no refund shall be given and the guest who booked shall indemnify the company against All and any losses, Costs, damages, liabilities, claims, demands and expenses suffered or incurred by the company and or/or event arising from the guest behaviour.

Guests must remove all items from the pitch and dispose any rubbish in the designated waste disposal areas. Camping stoves using small, disposable gas canisters are permitted.

Please only bring enough gas canisters for your needs over the weekend.

Barbecues, campfires, fire pits or other items deemed high fire risk are not permitted.

In the event, a very hot weather/dry ground conditions, the company and its representatives reserve the right to prohibit the use of camping stove for safety reasons.

Guest must not use camping stoves or cooking inside the tents, awning or vehicle.

Guests must only drink water from the designated Water points.

Cutting or damaging trees or other vegetation strictly prohibited and the natural conditions of the event grounds are not to be disturbed. This includes driving ropes to or driving nails and Trees.

Anyone under the age of 18 must be properly supervised at all times.

7. Use of vehicles at the event

No hired vehicles/caravans may be towed/driven onto site unless the driver holds a valid ticket and a valid ticket for the vehicle.

To minimise the risk of injury to Guests, once any vehicle has parked at the event, that vehicle may not be moved (unless it is leaving the event) from the place it has been parked unless requested by one of the companies representatives. The driver of any vehicle returning into the event after leaving will be required to park that vehicle as directed by representative the company.

All roads within the event class as public roads, as such they fall under the road traffic act which could lead to prosecution for driving offences in the event of an instant. In particular (not without limitations):

Do not drink and drive.

Any person driving a vehicle within the event must hold a valid driving license.

All vehicles within the event must have a valid tax, insurance and MOT as appropriate.

A speed limit of 10 mph applies within all areas of the event. Every guest must comply with a speed limit at all times, including Guest using bicycles or other wheeled conveyances.

The roads within the event must be kept clear at all times. Any vehicle blocking the road will be removed. Emerging vehicles need access to these roads at all times day and night.

Guest park  their vehicles in the event grounds at their own risk, the company accepts no liability for damage, theft or loss to the Guests vehicle.

All Guest items are left on event site at their own risk.

8. Prohibited items

The following items are NOT permitted at the event:

* Barbecues, candles, paraffin lamps, campfires, firewood, and fire starters.

* Any items that deemed by the company or representatives/employees as dangerous, offensive or unsuitable for the safe environment of the event will be removed. 

It is a responsibility of each guest to check the website before travelling to the event and up-to-date list of prohibited items, the company reserves the right to search any/all vehicles and/all persons on arrival and conduct security searches at any time thereafter as appropriate ensure the safety of the persons at the event.

9. Facilities and entertainment

The company aims to provide designated water points, toilets and shower Facilities at the event campsites for the use of all guests.

Details of entertainment will be available on the companies website.

All artists vendors and build attractions are subject to Change,

Lasers /smoke machines /strobe lighting and special effects may take place during some performances.

All guests are asked to note that the availability of any facilities cannot always be guaranteed and, particularly doing busy period or peak times, there may be queues to use the facilities.

10. Liability of the company

All property and items bought into the event by the guest shall be the guest responsibility and risk.

The company will not be liable for any loss or damage to any property including, but not limited to, motor vehicles (including living vehicles), tents and other equipment and personal effects. 

The company shall not be liable for injury, loss or damage suffered by any guest or occupants at the event .

11. Events beyond the companies reasonable control

The company shall only be liable of the effect or delayed provision of the event that is reasonable for seeable.
The company should not be liable for any effect or delayed provisions of the event outside of its control. If the provision of the event is affected or delayed by an event outside of the companies control, the company will notify the guest of the issue as soon as possible, and the company will take all steps to minimise the effect that such event has on all Guests  Provided the company does this, guest shall not been liable to any compensation for such an affect or delayed to the event,

If there is substantial risks of delay or affect provisions of the event caused by reasons outside of the companies control the company shall offer Guests the option of either:

The opportunity to obtain the ticket for reschedule where the guest ticket will remain valid for that date.

A refund for the tickets cancelled (minus applicable booking or administration fees). Events outside the companies Control may include (without limitation) pandemics, epidemic or other outbreaks of disease, flooding, fires or other natural events or adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockdowns or other industrial dispute, nuclear accidents, acts of God, war, terrorist activity, riot, civil commotion, act of the government or Change to law, statutory guidance, non-guidance, rule, regulation and /or direction which affects the operation event, non-performance by the companies suppliers or subcontractors (other than by companies in the same group as the company) or interruptions or failure of a utility or service supply in the event.

If the guest does not notify the company of the acceptance of the offer of a refund within 14 days, the offer being made by the company the company may withdraw it offer of a refund.

If the guest does not rebook to come to the same event the following year within one year of the day to the original book the opportunity to rebook will lapse and the company shall have no further obligations or liabilities to the guest .



The company reserves the right to alter these terms at any time please check back regularly for changes.

These terms are governed by English law and the courts of English and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to decide any disputes in relation to these terms.

The company may transfer its obligations under these terms to someone else (in the event of a sale of the event).

If a court finds part of these terms illegal, the rest will continue enforce each of the paragraph of these terms operates separately.

If any court or relative authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraph will remain in full force and effect.

Light Garden Festival Ltd terms of conditions. 28th of June 2024.